Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Our latest homework assignment for class was to create a self-"warped-trait." I worked on mine for hours every day straight - 10 hours over the weekend - and finally finished as Tuesday night (by that time really Wednesday).

I basically drew myself being transformed into some weird, scaly creature!

Besides constantly doodling in class I sometimes like to tattoo myself with a nice ballpoint pen. I actually haven't been doing it much this year - less boring classes I guess! I pretty much always do some random quote or word (usually from a song) and sometimes accompany it with designs. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I'm not happy about being back to school but first period Studio Art is awesome (and my internship = I leave school at 12 = having real food at home). Our AP summer art assignment as mentioned previously, involved marbles. One from life in some sort of container/ object, one inspired by a marble. My inspired-by marble was of this made up Superboy, lifting a giant marble. For the other assignment I put marble in measuring teaspoons, using a circle light as a cool light sources that created a cool reflection :P I did these both in acrylics

Also, I had to draw a scene from and excerpt in Beowulf for English, so I drew an enraged Beowulf ripping of Grendel's shoulder; I used colored pencil to draw him and paint for the black background.