Tuesday, November 13, 2012


This past week in painting we started working with abstraction. The entirety of the course previous to this we have worked on observational painting, so I loved painting more freely. We looked at the art of Jackson Pollock and Gerhard Richter, and the goal was to try and use layers of color and texture to create the illusion of space. 

My full piece of paper 22" x 30", which I taped off into 8 sections

The painting studio. It is in a random building on campus not associated with art. But the new art building is supposed to open next semester, so it will be in there along with most other art courses!

Nude model painted using temperature over one class period

Art and Design Collective

The Art and Design Collective at UMaine has been a blast this semester! We decided to do art projects when we meet weekly on Thursday nights. We have done things like drawing, designing logos, carving pumpkins, and last week a senior came in to demonstrate her pastel skills!

Demonstrating the effects of rubbing alcohol on pastels

Choosing a photograph to draw

Capturing my image

Using pastels to draw a beautiful face


Robyn's flowers in progress

So many pastels to choose from!

Jackson's drawing for me!

My drawing of a bright orange sky reflected in a lake surrounded by tress.

Lee's drawing in progress which she worked on after demonstrating

Saturday, November 3, 2012

UMaine Geological Society

I am part of the UMaine Geological Society this semester. Unfortunately I can't attend meetings because I have figure drawing class at the same time. This year, the group is hoping to raise money to go to Iceland for a week during spring break. I have been helping to raise money for this, and I recently designed an image for us to adorn glassware like shot glasses and pub glasses that we can sell for profit!

First design, a magnifying class showing UMaine in rock fissures

Second and final design (this will be used on the glassware) of a hand lens 

Painting class

This semester at school has been very busy with classes and my work study in the art department, but I have been having some great experiences. In my Painting 1 class we have been working with temperature a lot, as well as trying different painting styles and brush strokes.

First assignment: White paper and object still life with only black and white paint. 

Monochromatic still life, Split-complement close-up of one object

Complementary still life, Analogous painting of one object 
Two one hour still lifes using temperature: kitchen utensils, and spoon in glass vase

One hour still life of boots and hose using temperature

One hour still life of dinosaur toys using temperature

Model, using temperature

Model, using temperature